What it means to be a Small Business Momprenuer

Being a woman who works a full time job, has a small crafting business, is a wife and a mom is not easy. It takes a lot of time management, energy, and dedication. But it is also incredibly rewarding.

I am a woman who fits all of those descriptions. And I can tell you, most days I don’t know how I get it all done. I work full time as an administrative assistant to a CEO of a bank, I have a small crafting business on the side, I am married, and I have two young children. It is a lot to juggle, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love being a working mom. I love being able to provide for my family and to have my own career. I also love being able to use my creativity in my crafting business. And I love being a wife and a mom. I love spending time with my husband and my children, and I love watching them grow and learn.

Of course, juggling it all is not without its challenges. There are times when I feel like I am spread too thin. There are times when I feel like I am not doing enough for my family or my business. But there are also times when I feel like I am superwoman. I can do anything I set my mind to.

If you are a woman who is thinking about starting a family, or if you are already a mom, I want you to know that it is possible to have it all. You can be a successful career woman, a loving wife, a doting mom, and a creative entrepreneur.

Here are a few tips for juggling and succeeding all of your responsibilities:

  • Set priorities. It is important to know what is most important to you and to focus on those things. For me, my family is my top priority. My husband and my children come first. My career is important to me, but it is not as important as my family.
  • Delegate. If you can, delegate tasks to others. This could mean hiring a babysitter, asking your husband to help out more around the house, or having your kids help with chores.
  • Take breaks. It is important to take breaks, even when you are busy. This could mean taking a few minutes to yourself each day, or taking a vacation once in a while.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family, friends, or colleagues.

No one said that the journey was going to be easy. But it is incredibly rewarding. If you are thinking about starting a family, or if you are already a mom, I want you to know that it is possible to have it all and there is a whole support network out there if you just ask for it. It takes hard work and dedication, but it is possible.